Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Dear Other Woman - Here are some truths

Why would a single woman want to get "involved" (I use the term loosely) with a married man? Why would you want the crumbs from my table - does so little attention and pseudo affection make you feel worthy and complete? Does receiving that attention from a married man think you are something so special? You are not special. You are the worst form of conniving cheating female that my husband ever had the misfortune to find under the slimy stone he rolled over.

Marriage is tough. If you get involved with a married man you only get one side of the story - his. First and foremost he was trying to get into your pants, so he would have told you anything you wanted to hear. If he seriously wanted the complications of a relationship of any sort he would have stayed at home and worked on his marriage.
He wanted no-strings attached sex from whoever he could get it from, whenever he was travelling with his job, when he felt "lonely". In this case,the only available option was you.

No matter what he told you, or what you managed to fabricate in your deluded pea-like brain - we were still making love all during the time you were trying to get him to commit to you. We have a great sex life and none of that diminished at all during his affair.

Despite you we still did lots of things together, we were connected and we were planning our future together. In other words, as far as we are both concerned, you did not feature.

I would love to have been a fly on the wall to hear the lies he told you so he could get in your pants - hear this now:

He did not fancy you particularly
He thinks you are a spoilt brat
He thinks you are moody and manipulative
He realises that you are not professional in your work
He sees you for what you are - a low-life loser

Thought for the Day

Unconditional love does not mean unconditional crap absorption.

Monday, 23 February 2009

What was the cost?

Not the financial cost of course. But the real cost of a decision taken lightly, a choice not thought out, a passing notion that flattered his ego and provided a transient cheap thrill.....

His cheating cost him his self-respect and his pride. He is living in his own hell, seeing the pain he inflicted on the ones he loves, by making those choices in 2004.

He has lost his wife as she was - the one that was open, honest and warm. The one that had unfaltering trust, devotion and respect for him. The wife that used to be me.

Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Thought for the Day

Never make someone a priority for whom you are only an option.

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Jabba's Report Card

English:Is unable to articulate very much at all. Limited conversation and vocabulary. Overused phrases include "so where is this going", "Is there a future for us" "my boyfriend is being mean to me" "my ex-husband is being mean to me" "no-one at work likes me" Limited comprehension skills. Lacks imagination with written work, despite being a fantasist. Recent examples examined include an inappropriate poem to her boss, and and advertisement to rent a room in her property. Very poor E-

Maths Her only interest appears to be around how much money she is able to obtain through her dubious personal relationships. Clearly she is able to make anything add up, and believes fervently in her own very flawed methods and processes, which prove to be non-valid upon scrutiny. F

Art Is no oil painting. Lacks ability to improve a poor canvas. Distinct inability to embrace fashion and design, including soft furnishings, Is not keen on restoration and cleaning soft furnishings. E

Economics. Very poor understanding of APR - or Annual Percentage Rate. Has a belief that 29.5% APR is a good credit deal particularly when secured against main residential property. Possibly does not appreciate the value of a good credit rating. Has no feel for the economic climate, demonstrated by buying a house at the height of the market which has now reduced by 30% in the current climate. E

Drama. Insists on playing the victim and does this reasonably effectifvely. Is also very good a creating implausible stories to try to improve the perception other peoples have of her. Imagination runs riot and appears to have only one script. Needs to try much harder in the costume and make-up department. Failing that, being cast as the back half of a donkey at the next downmarket panto would be realistically the best this person could ever hope to achieve. F

Information Technology. Can send texts from her mobile phone, although it is unclear just how many recipients are actually stored in her address book, given her inability to network in a professional manner. Limited content, usually of no substance or value. E

Geography Her principal understanding is that all roads lead to a cheap hotel. And also beleives that if you are in a foreign country no one will have a clue what you are up to. Studies limited to the inside of hotel rooms and the motorway network of South East England. Unclassified

History Clearly she does not learn lessons from any historical events, and continues to bluster through countless inappropriate projects that add no value to anything. Has difficulty grasping factual information concerning people, places & dates. E

Citizenship Has absolutely no concept or understanding of this subject. Has no morals nor remorse. And very likely, never will. Unclassified

Personal, Social & Health Education. Needs to focus on personal hygiene. Spraying cheap perfume covers nothing up. It still makes you smell cheap and nasty. She needs to vastly improve her social skills with people other than those who may be perceived as "an easy ride" "a meal ticket" or "a future financier for as long as he can tolerate my lying and deceitful ways". Developing feelings for a "fuck-buddy" always proves to be fallible, particularly if they are married with children. A special mention must be made regarding her complete and utter disregard for her own health and that of others who may risk contamination from her by primary or secondary contact. Unclassified.

Science In chemistry it transpires that she has no substance, which means has no composition nor properties. If there was any substance it would be classified as acid. Her biology study has been entired focused on one elements - the male human lower body. A suggestion to improve dramatically in this subject would be to focus on a specialism such as "immunology" or "parasites".
In physics it is apparent that a detailed study of optical physics may open her eyes to the damage she is capable of incurring. A toxic result. Unclassified

Overall Comments on the Report

It is clear that this student serves no purpose and adds no value. It is suggested that she seeks psychotherapy urgently to help her understand in better detail her worthlessness and the low opinion that others have of her. She is a very needy person and sucks the life out of people who have the misfortune to become involved with her. She should be very very aware of something called "The Karma Bus". She sets the bar very low and consistently fails to achieve it.

Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Report Card for Wife whose Husband had an affair

English: Has an excellent understanding of the English Language and is easily able to decipher fact from fiction. She has grasped the fundamentals of creative speaking and has even added a raft of new words to her vocabulary. Her levels of comprehension can make some people gasp such is her unique insight. She is always able to articulate her thoughts and feelings well. A+

Maths: Knows that 1+1+1 does not equal two. Is able to detect very quickly what does and does not add up. Understands division and subtraction but is not keen on these operators. A-

Information Technology: Has an outstanding appreciation of this subject and uses all available methods to the best of her ability. During 2007 she focused on security and hacking as her specialist subject and excelled in all aspects. She has devised several robust methods of data management and information mining . A+

History: Excellent result. Understands that no matter what, history cannot be changed. She has very clear recall for people, facts, dates and places, and can easily spot other peoples errors when trying to recount historical facts. A+

Art: Excellent spacial awareness and appreciation of size & shape. Has spent some time studying the fictional work "The Whore of Huntingdonshire - (rotund and dumpy). Her focus is generally black and white, which has been stregthened by her recent exposure to people who appear to have a more colourful but superficial perspective. A

Geography: Has absolute clarity around boundaries and direction. Can easily read maps. Spent some time studying the habitat of the species known as the "serial marriage wrecking whore" but realised this was a subject that held no particular interest and was actually very very boring.
Has a particular understadning of the geogrpahical term "Fault". Whilst not her strongest subject, she has taken a keen interest in most aspects of human, physical and regional geography. B+

Science: Excellent. Has completed a comprehesive study of human physiology and psychology with amazing results. Has also demonstrated excellent experimentation with various alcoholic liquids with varying outcomes. Has improved her use of practical aids such as the "lie detector". She has spent an inordinate amount of time developing her olfactory senses and is now easily able to detect bullshit, and cheap nasty perfume. A+

Drama: Whilst not a subject that she relishes, she has been able to cope admirably with the challenging curriculum. She has made great progess with her personal expression and her ability to improvise/think on her feet. She does not like being a victim. B+

Economics: She decided to take this subject up as an extension of her innate ability with mathematics (see above). She has done a great deal of work on cost analysis, has developed sophisticated spreadsheets to support statistical analysis and has thoroughly uncovered the vagaries of non-budgeted expenditure. A special study has been completed on GNP - not Gross National Product, rather, Grungy Nasty Person. A+

Overall a very capable student who has the capacity to excel in any future projects. Has a good brain for retaining facts and figures and can hold her own in debate.

Report Card for Husband Whilst in Affair

English: Has struggled with comprehension for a very long time. Finds it difficult to ascertain the difference between a truth and a lie, however this makes for some fairly impressive story telling capability. What lets him down is that he struggles at times with his vocabulary and overuses the phrases "I don't know" "I can't remember" "I made a huge mistake getting involved with someone like her" and "I never meant to hurt you" C+

Maths: He is always creative with his numbers - for example 1+1 almost never adds up to 2 when the formula is investigated. He is working very hard on trying to get things to add up even when they never will. He has failed to embrace this subject. A very poor effort. D-

Information Technology: Has grasped the basics of this subject, particularly the ability to send numerous text messages to unsuitable recipients, and emails loaded with innuendo. However his ability to really understand the power of the technology, the importance of security to avoid hacking or other means of disclosure. Would suggest that he reviews his need to continue with this topic going forward. D-

History: He has not grasped the importance of history and has a fundamental misunderstanding that you can change history easily, with little or no detection. He has not used his basic knowledge of history as a learning tool. Working more closely with his wife has developed a greater appreciation of the subject. A word of warning, those who don't learn the lessons of the past are often more susceptible to be repeat offenders. C+

Art: Very poor. Has no concept of recognising the difference between a masterpiece and a very bad fake. Unclassified result

Geography: Has deteriorated in this subject in the last 4 years. Once had a stunning sense of direction and purpose which has been significantly eroded by fraternising with someone who had little or no interest in successful outcomes unless there was a personal financial incentive. C+

Science: Very poor, particularly with biology where it appears he does not know his arse from his elbow. Has made some inroads in chemistry, but would be much more successful if he stopped wasting his time with inanimate beings.
Fails to grasp the basic concepts of "density" "single bond" "substance" or "zero tolerance" and "disease management". In physics he needs to understand that "magnetism" is not something that describes his personality. D-

Personal Social & Health Education: Has absolutely no concept of appropriate social intercourse, due to lack of understanding of what boundaries are. Others do not trust him around a certain type of female. He fails to grasp the importance of health issues in relationships and also has a lack of understanding of "how people should be treated" Failed miserably : Unclassified result

Overall Improvement Plan

A very poor report that can only be improved if he discontinues his association with the unsavoury character he seems to have become involved with. It is sad to see such a promising individual lose concentration on the important things in his life. With some hard work, self analysis and wholesale refocus on the important aspects of the curriculum he could once again be considered a worthwhile person.

Names I called my husband

In my most angry phase (probably up to about six months after I discovered the affair) I had some choice names for my husband. Thought it would be cathartic to share:

Asshat - for having his head stuck so far up his a*se

Skankf*cker - self explanetary

Sh*t for brains




Was it the way he was in his childhood that made him the man he is today?

Our upbringing and the example set by our family forms the foundation of our belief systems, thought processes and self-esteem. It teaches us how to handle conflict and strife, and how to interact with loved ones. Applying this to my own husband's upbringing certainly sheds some light on the possible reasons "why" he had an affair.

Here are some clues - escapist behavior, deceptive behavior, hiding activities and interests, suppressing emotions, lying by omission, avoiding conflict. Most people go on to develop more effective coping skills, and gain better perspective and insight to their own self-worth as they become adults.
In times of stress, fear or unhappiness, however, is it common to revert to these childlike beliefs?

These things do not excuse my husbands choice to have an affair - as a responsible adult he should have recognised that the choice was wrong whilst still committed to a marriage/relationship with me.

A test for all responsible parents

Hands up all those responsible parents who would advertise on the internet, a room in their house to rent, where they have their 11 year old daughter resident there?

Are her values and responsibilties to her child so screwed, and is she so desperate about keeping up appearances with her unaffordable materialistic so called assets that she is willing to compromise the safety of her OWN CHILD?

Sheesh - my husband had a very lucky escape.

Habitual Liars

If he lied to me, he lied to her. Not kind little white lies. Big Big Lies.

And she probably lied to him, given her dysfunctional approach to a meaningful life.

What she thought was real, wasn't.
What she thought she could have, she couldn't.
What she thought he was saying, he wasn't
What she perceived him to be, he wasn't.
What she thinks she is, she isn't.
What she thinks of his life with me, it isn't

A life built on the futile lies of another liar.

Positive things from my Husband

I am so sorry for what I have done. I love you

I want to put it right and show you how much I love and care for you. I want to rebuild our marriage. She will not turn me. I want to be with you.

We can survive what I have done. I will show you that I can be the husband you thought I was before I got involved with that psycho bitch, I want us to be together.

New names for the "other woman"

As you know I have a deep dislike for the individual that my husband had the misfortune to invite into our marriage. Something that in retrospect will cause him much regret for a long time. Not least because of the pain it has caused, but also because he is mortified that he even had any kind of association with her.

She had a number of disparaging nicknames from her work colleauges, many of whom had the foresight to see what a scheming little bitch she was - unlike my stupid husband.

So I got to thinking about what I might call her, should I have the misfortune to find her sliming across my path in the future:

Jabba the Slut (my personal favourite!)


Serial Marriage Breaker

The Dirty Dishrag

The pot-bellied pig

Monday Fishmarket

Nasty Hag (alternative use of her initials)

And just a little Valentines Verse for Jabba, from me with feeling:

Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
You were so skanky in bed
He didn't choose you

Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
You're so sick in the head
You belong in the zoo

Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
I know that one day
This will happen to you

Getting away with it?

Do unfaithful partners "get away with it" if they are not discovered, or if reconcilation is an option?

I don't think there are any winners with infidelity, only losers. And no-one gets away with it - even when it remains undisclosed.

The perpetrator has to live with the guilt of their actions, and the pain of their partner if the affair is discovered. They have to live with the accusations, the transparent way they have to live their lives, in order to regain trust and have to face anger, despair and hate from their partners daily - even if the affair actually meant nothing at all to them. They now have to live a life that has no privacy, and is totally transparent and open to question at all times to rebuild trust, honesty and integrity in the marriage. All that pain for no gain.

I think that if most unfaithful partners really thought about the consequences of their choice to have an affair, a great majority would not do it. They have to live with themselves afterwards, and it is almost impossible to face themselves in the mirror, without feeling shame and emnbarrasment knowing that they have hurt the one person they loved the most.

I know that my husband is in agony when he looks in my eyes and and realises that he got away with precisely nothing, that he gained precisely nothing, that he lost precisely everything and that he will carry the shame of causing the deep, severe and lasting pain in our relationship for ever.

What have I learned?

I was thinking about what I have learned from my experience of infidelity. I am sure that as time moves on there will be more positive learnings (and almost certainly as a result of the programme I am undertaking with my counsellor). But a few things sprung to mind in the last few days about what I learned so far:

That I would find it difficult to trust another human being unconditionally (I reserve unconditional trust for my two children)

Always always always trust my gut instinct - better for the instinct to be wrong, than to banish it completely and then face devastation some time down the track.

That no matter how much you try to understand someone else's problems, if they are not receptive, nothing you do or say matters.

That I lost myself to make someone else happy, and in the end, infidelity was my reward.

That no-one will ever truly have my heart again, that there will always be part of it that won't be invested.

That the very person who promises to look out for you, care for you, nuture you and protect you is often the first person who falters.

I learned that in the effort to make my husband comfortable, I compromised myself.